Teeth whitening: a movie smile

Do not tell you you're more handsome when you're serious! Show a beautiful smile is one of the keys to be favored and shine before the gallery. The smile is one of the qualities that can be squeezed and one of the parts of our body that we must take care of, so having white teeth is very important. There are very effective whitening teeth, they are made at any age and they do not have to damage our teeth.

What is a tooth whitening?

Dental whitening does not damage the enamel because it does not clean the tooth. They only add whiteness from the inside to the surface. From the office of his office, Dr. Carlos Fernández Piñero defines two types of teeth whitening:

- Laser teeth whitening. It is done in the clinic in half an hour. It works but is less effective than other types of whitening. It can damage the gums and bring us problems in the future. That is why Dr. Piñero defines it as a "very violent" treatment.

- Teeth whitening with gel. Splints are made to suit the patient, on which the whitening gel is applied at night, generally. The guideline for treating our teeth at home depends on the desired target and the original tone of our teeth.

How do tooth whitening with gel?

The first thing we have to do, according to Dr. Piñero tells us, is to go to the consultation of an expert to take the measure of the splint that we are going to place on our teeth. It can be for the upper part of our mouth, for the lower part or for both. The dentist will give us a gel that we will have to apply directly to our teeth for one or two hours a day, or throughout the night. The effect of this type of treatment is cumulative. White is gradual and we can suspend whitening when we want. If we see that our teeth have reached the target we were looking for, we can stop applying the gel, either permanently or to resume treatment for weeks or months (even years) later.

The gel is applied with the help of a syringe. Once this has been spread on the surface of the tooth, the sleeve is placed in the mouth so that the substance can take effect. Piñero assures that in this type of treatments the effects can begin to be notified within a few days. They are therefore the soft alternative to traditional whitening with laser half an hour in consultation and, although it is a slower way, gives fewer problems. The duration of this type of treatment is indefinite.

Gels for teeth whitening are not bought at the pharmacy, because they contain a medical asset that can not be made available to the public directly. We can suffer a little irritation in the gums the first day for not knowing how to measure the amount of gel that we have to apply on each tooth, but this is something completely normal. Dr. Piñero maintains that his patients, on the second day, already master the practice without problem and do not suffer more irritations during the treatment.

Observations of gel whitening

- They are not made to children under eighteen years of age or pregnant women

- Fillings do not bleach

- The younger the patient, the more results because enamel wear makes whitening less effective and enamel wears out with age

The estimated price of this type of whitening is around 200 euros (200 top and 200 bottom). It can be done, from the age of eighteen, at any age and as many times as you want. With ten days of treatment, the results, in the words of Dr. Piñero, "are seen to spare."

If you want to show off a film smile, consult your habitual dentist for dental whitening. He knows your mouth and knows what it is you need. I can tell you what treatments, regardless of the general guidelines, can be better or worse, because each patient is a different case and you have to take into account different variables. Although in general all mouths react in the same way, we must pay attention to the particularities that each one may present. Do not be afraid of enamel wear because this is something that occurs with age and it is false that this wear is accelerated with dental whitening.

Elisa García
Advice: Dr. Carlos Fernández Piñero. Dentist.

Video: How To Whiten Your Teeth - Get a Celebrities Smile Naturally In 30 Days!

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