
Discuss with the baby, why is not it a bad idea

Discuss with the baby, why is not it a bad idea

Even if they do not know how to speak, communicate. Babies still do not master oral language skills, but they have other ways of letting parents know how they feel. That is why it is not a bad idea...

The baby arrives ... without instruction manual!

The baby arrives ... without instruction manual!

Few situations impose as much as arriving with our first child home from the hospital and knowing that, suddenly, we are irrevocably and permanently in charge of this small and fragile being. You...

The essence Bugaboo: highlights what you love most

The essence Bugaboo: highlights what you love most

Whether you're a new mom or you have to buy another cart for your new baby and want advice, take note: There is nothing like a Bugaboo. When you fold it, lift it or load it, you realize ... the...

First-time mothers, what to do to avoid overwhelm

First-time mothers, what to do to avoid overwhelm

Pregnant? !! Congratulations!! A road full of illusions opens up in which you will create a bond with your son that will be stronger than you can imagine. However, it is inevitable that numerous...

The benefits of good sleep for language development

The benefits of good sleep for language development

The night brings the best of prizes for many: the break. After many hours of work and exhausted energies, it's time to sleep to recharge batteries to start again the next day. An activity that...

Errors that new parents can avoid

Errors that new parents can avoid

Having a child is one of the most wonderful experiences a person can go through. But when the child arrives in this world nobody gives a manual of instructions on what one should do or not. When the...