
Eating during childbirth has benefits for the mother

Eating during childbirth has benefits for the mother

There is no denying that the moment of Birth It is as beautiful as it is painful sometimes. For this reason we always look for ways to make this process easier for the mother, now a new study reveals...

Folic acid to prevent malformations of the fetus

Folic acid to prevent malformations of the fetus

Every mother wants the best for her child, including before this is born. The care of a pregnant woman will mark the health of the child both inside your womb and once it reaches the world. Food...

Pregnancy changes women's brains

Pregnancy changes women's brains

The external evidence of the physical changes that occur during the pregnancy They are patent. Now a group of researchers from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Sea Institute of Medical...

Pregnant: how your emotions affect your baby

Pregnant: how your emotions affect your baby

Pregnancy is a crucial moment to create links with the child you have inside. That's why, your emotions, your worries and joys directly influence the baby through the hormones that you secrete. The...

I am diabetic and I want to be a mom

I am diabetic and I want to be a mom

One of the frequent concerns in women with Diabetes Mellitus who want to become mothers is how their pregnancy can affect their own diabetes or their future child. Fortunately, and although...

Induced delivery: when is it advisable?

Induced delivery: when is it advisable?

The induction of labor, either maternal reasons or for fetal reasons, has increased a lot in recent years. However the induced labor it is not free of risks: postpartum haemorrhage (PPH),...